SV-4B V47


SV-4B V47 in original state




SV-4B V47 in early days





SV-4B V47 OO-MCI with special publi painting spotted in 1986


Yves Dumortier and his SV-4B V47 OO-MCI


   SV-4B V47 OO-MCI during its "Tour of France" in 1983 





SV-4B V47 in earlier painting (Guy Gudenkauf)


SV-4B V47 as OO-MCI (Michel Mandl)


V47 at EVS (Flying School) - (Danny De Leyn)


First solo of Jos Poelmans with SV-4B V47  OO-MCI AD Zwartberg in 1967


SV-4B V47 at this moment under restoration at RAR (Raymond's Aircraft Restoration) - Foto G. Van Belleghem



c/n 1189
frame/n 200.47
08-10-1953     FF in hands of Jean Stampe
26-10-1953     DD to ARS - Wevelgem
28-11-1953     To EPE/EVS
12-05-1958     SOC; TT 1595:45hrs
OO-MCI     24-09-1958     CofR n°1200 favor C.Hanquier, Deurne. Later Zwartberg
   31-10-1961     To Limburgse Vleugels vzw, Zwartberg
   07-12-1972     To BSD Aeroclub, Bützweilerhof (D)
   20-03-1979     To Yves Dumortier, Grimbergen
   28-09-1983     To Transmarcom Air nv, Deurne
   10-02-1984     DD Gosselies to Deurne for Transmarcom
   01-08-1986     To Namur Aviation (Maintenance) sprl, Temploux
   05-05-1988     To Namur Aviation sa, Temploux
   01-12-1988     To Sofinair sa, Temploux
   00-00-1992     To Yves Dumortier
   29-09-1992     To Publi-Air sa, Temploux
   30-01-1993     Destroyed completely in a hangar fire, Temploux
OO-MCI     16-02-1993     Cancelled from Belgian register
   25-03-2020    To Inge Daems, for restoration at RAR


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